Those employed in Institutional kitchens now have a structured training program and a pathway to become certified in Nova Scotia.

Institutional Cook is now a designated voluntary trade under the Apprenticeship and Trades Qualifications Act. Institutional Cooks prepare, cook, season, and serve small to large quantity meals that meet the dietary health needs of guests and residents in institutional settings, such as hospitals, retirement and long-term care homes, daycare centres, educational institutes, correctional facilities, and military bases. They may plan menus, estimate food requirements and cost in accordance with institutional budgets, as well as oversee others in the preparation, cooking, and handling of food.

"The designation of the Institutional Cook trade underscores our commitment to meet evolving industry needs within various institutional settings," said Trent Soholt, Chair of the Apprenticeship Board. "The Apprenticeship Board is extremely grateful to employers, industry professionals, and educators who participated in consultation sessions and helped develop the scope of the occupation. The designation of this new voluntary trade not only ensures formal recognition of skills through trade certification, but also provides a structured training program, benefitting both experienced professionals and those new to the occupation."

Apprentices in the Institutional Cook trade can now be registered and may obtain practical experience under the supervision of a journeyperson in the Cook or Institutional Cook trade. The training pathway has two levels of training, with the level 1 of technical training and examination being common to the Cook trade.

Individuals that can prove their skills and work experience meet the standards set for a certified tradesperson as an Institutional Cook and have a minimum of 5,400 hours in the trade may be approved to write the certification exam as a Trade Qualifier. The Nova Scotia Apprenticeship Agency is waiving the Trade Qualifier fee until January 17, 2026.

For more information on the Institutional Cook trade, registering apprentices, or challenging the exam as a Trade Qualifier, contact Marc Lamarche on