
Under the authority of the Nova Scotia Apprenticeship Agency Operating Charter, the Nova Scotia Apprenticeship Board (the “Board”) shall seek the advice and recommendations, where appropriate, from industry by establishing Industry Sector Committees. These committees are tasked with offering advice to the Board concerning potential recommendations and facilitating the Board's ability, when suitable, to advise the Minister and make recommendations regarding the apprenticeship system.   

The Industry Sector Committees will provide insights into sector trends and challenges, oversee the work of the Trade Advisory Committees, bring recommendations forward to the Board, and be key partners in the province's plans to add 5,000 new apprentices in three years.

Construction Industry Sector Committee

Sarah Cruickshanks (Co-Chair), Central, Employer 
Ernie Dalton (Co-Chair), Cape Breton, Employee

Mohja Alia
Central, Community Partner
Heather Cruickshanks
Central, Industry Association 
Tyler Gould
Cape Breton, Community Partner
Angela Graham
Central, Training Provider
Crystal Ingram
Central, Industry Association
Kody MacDonald
Cape Breton, Employee-Union
Vicki McKenna
Central, Employer-Union
Michael Montgomery
Central, Sector Council
Jack Penny
Cape Breton, Employer-Union
Kirstene Reyes
Southwest, Employee
Melissa Risser
Southwest, Employer
Andy Seager
Central, Employee-Union
Brad Smith
Central, Union
Jack Wall
Cape Breton, Union
Gordie Weddleton
Central, Employer
Duncan Williams
Central, Industry Association
Megan Wood
Central, Employee

Vacant Positions

  • Community Partner  
  • Open Shop Representative

If you meet the criteria to fill one of our vacant Construction Industry positions, please apply online.
If you have feedback, suggestions or ideas to share with the Construction Industry Sector Committee, submit them here.

Industrial Manufacturing Industry Sector Committee

Jan Fullerton (Co-Chair), Central, Industry Association
Shawn McKillop (Co-Chair), Central, Employee

Ben Breen
Northern, Employee-Union 
Austin Christmas
Cape Breton, Employee 
Fred Crawley
Central, Community Partner 
Kelsey Gallant
Central, Training Provider
Joy St. Germain
Northern Employer, Non-Union
William Horton
Northern, Employee-Union
Barry Landry
Cape Breton, Employee-Union
Jonathon Levy
Southwest, Employee-Union
Steve Matthews
Northern, Employee
Mitch Raymond
Central, Sector Council

Vacant Positions

  • Community Partner  
  • Employer Non-Union (2)
  • Sector Council/Association

If you meet the criteria to fill one of our vacant Industrial Manufacturing positions, please apply online.
If you have feedback, suggestions or ideas to share with the Industrial Manufacturing Industry Sector Committee, submit them here.

Motive Power Industry Sector Committee

David Giles (Chair), Central, Employer

Dan Basquill
Central, Training Provider
Scott Blakeney
Northern, Employer
Kelly Henderson
Central, Sector Council
Chris Hodder
Southwest, Employee
Anthony Lewis
Central, Employer
Peter O’Hagan
Central, Employer
Cory Rafuse
Southwest, Community Partner
Logan Redfurn
Southwest, Employee
Shannon Trites
Central, Sector Council
Darren Wincey
Cape Breton, Employee

Vacant Positions

  • Community Partner

If you meet the criteria to fill one of our vacant Motive Power positions, please apply online.
If you have feedback, suggestions or ideas to share with the Motive Power Industry Sector Committee, submit them here.

Service Industry Sector Committee

Julie Marks (Co-Chair), Central, Employer
Charmaine Roma (Co-Chair), Central, Employee

Jeff Allen
Western, Employee
Natasha Chestnut
Central, Sector Council
Joe Farrell
Central, Employee
Jonathan Hannam
Central Employee
Terena Hantleman
Western, Employer
Andy Lee
Southwest, Employer
Jason Lynch
Southwest, Employer
Margaret Osakwe
Central, Employer
Mathias Probst
Central, Employee
Drew Stevens
Central, Training Provider

Vacant Positions

  • Community Partner (2)
  • Employer (2)
  • Employee
  • Sector Council/Association

If you meet the criteria to fill one of our vacant Service positions, please apply online.
If you have feedback, suggestions or ideas to share with the Service Industry Sector Committee, submit them here.